Graduate School Timeline

Junior Year/Summer (before senior year or year before you plan to apply)

  • Begin researching programs and discussing plans with your academic advisor, interested faculty and Career and Post-Graduate Development advisors
  • Identify appropriate programs, visit websites, and narrow down a list of target schools
  • Attend schools’ information sessions and/or open houses
  • Prepare and sign up for required standardized testing – complete testing, if possible
  • Explore opportunities for fellowships, scholarships and other financial assistance
  • Strengthen your graduate school application by participating in the UC Summer Fellows program and/or completing an honors project in your major.
  • Begin to request strong letters of recommendation from faculty & advisors

Senior Year


  • Begin work on applications and request official transcripts
  • Complete all required testing and write first draft of personal statement
  • Follow-up with faculty & advisors and continue to request strong letters of recommendation


  • Get feedback on personal statement and prepare final draft
  • Complete all parts of application and mail or submit online. Keep copies of everything you send
  • Begin working on financial aid applications
  • Remind letter writers of recommendation deadlines


  • Interview or visit potential schools
  • Write thank you notes to those who have met with you and helped you
  • Relax and wait for your letters of acceptance
  • Confirm your enrollment and make the deposit to your new school
  • Celebrate!