What Can I Do With A Major In Physics
Physics is the scientific discipline that explores the natural world and explains the workings of the universe. The field of physics includes a broad range of sub-specialties, such as the study of subatomic particles, which serves as the basis for countless other disciplines, from biology and chemistry to biotechnology and oceanography. Students entering the physics major typically have strong analytical skills and problem-solving abilities.
An undergraduate degree in Physics gives students a broad, deep, rigorous understanding of quantitative problems which is useful to many different careers. You can find physicists in manufacturing and government labs, on university campuses and consulting on television programs. Many physics graduates work in journalism, in government, and even on Wall Street, places where their ability to think methodically is a great asset.
Career Planning
- Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- Careers Using Physics
- Careers with Physics
- Science Careers
- What Can I Do With A Major In Physics
Professional Associations
- International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
- Marine Technology Society
- Mathematical Association of America
- Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
- National Association of Environmental Professionals
- National Association of Science Writers
- National Council of Architectural Registration Boards
- National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies
- National Society of Professional Engineers
- National Waste & Recycling Association
- North American Cartographic Information Society
- Society for Technical Communication, Inc.
- Society of American Registered Architects
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers
- Society of Petroleum Engineers
- Soil Science Society of America
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Water Environment Federation
Related Career Titles
Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineer
Aerospace Engineering Technician
Atmospheric and Space Scientist
Cartographer (Map Scientist)
Environmental Engineer
Environmental Research Analyst
Hazardous Waste Management Analyst
Hydraulic Engineer
Industrial Engineer
Industrial Hygienist
Materials Engineer
Materials Scientist
Mechanical Engineer
Nuclear Engineer
Nuclear Fuels Research Engineer
Petroleum Engineer
Photogrammetric Engineer
Physics Professor
Radiation Protection Engineer
Resource Recovery Engineer
Soil Engineer
Solar Energy Systems Designer
Stress Analyst Engineer
Structural Engineer
Technical Publications Writer
Water Pollution Control Inspector
This is just a sampling of titles, for a more comprehensive list and details on the professions including employment outlook and salary information, log into the Focus Program.