Safety Notification Procedures

Notification to the Ursinus community about an Immediate Threat and Timely Warnings

Campus Safety receives information from various departments on and off campus, such as Environmental Health & Safety, Facilities Services, Collegeville Police Department, and Montgomery County Emergency Management.  The Ursinus Crisis Response Team (CRT) consists of Student Affairs staff trained in emergency response and management.  The team provides 24 hour support to the campus community with 3 full-time professional staff members always on call (Dean, Director/Assistant Director, and Psychologist).  The CRT will work collaboratively with Campus Safety to determine if a situation is an emergency and may present an immediate threat to the health and safety of the Ursinus community.  Should the situation be deemed a threat, the ranking Dean on scene, in consultation with College leadership will determine the content of a message to be communicated to the campus.  This message may be sent through one or more of the following systems:  college email system, emergency text message notification system, scrolling computer screens, Ursinus website announcement, and/or recorded phone message on the Ursinus main phone number.  Safety Alerts will be issued to the entire community or to the appropriate segment of the community if the threat is limited to a particular building or area of campus.  

The College will, without delay and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the judgment of the first responders (including, but not limited to: Collegeville Police Department, Montgomery County S.W.A.T Team, Collegeville Fire Department and Trappe Ambulance Services), compromise the efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.