Academic Standards and Discipline Committee

The Academic Standards and Discipline Committee reviews students’ academic records, and decides or recommends retention, probation, suspension, dismissal, and reinstatement of students.

The committee interprets academic policy and makes decisions regarding students attending other institutions, including studying abroad, and other related matters referred to it by the Dean. The committee considers petitions about credit-bearing internships timed before the end of the sophomore year. The committee also is the last committee of appeal in the case of grade appeals.

Petitions to the committee about these matters can be sent to There is no specific form for a petition, but petitioners are invited to frame their request in terms of clear reasons and arguments in favor of the request at issue. Please send questions about the committee and petitions to

The committee consists of six appointed faculty members, two from each division; and six staff/administration members (the Dean of the College, a representative from the Office of the Dean of Students, the Registrar, an Associate Academic Dean, the Director of the Institute for Student Success, and the Student Success and Retention Specialist).