Berman Museum of Art captured against, and reflecting, a baby blue sky in early September

Recent and Current Grants

Ursinus Faculty garner major grant and foundation support. See here for some of our recent grant applicants. 

Recent Grant Proposals

This fall, faculty and staff have applied for support for the Berman Museum, Physics teaching and research, Japanese language study, and expanded interfaith education at the college. 

The following grant proposals were submitted by Ursinus College faculty members from May 2020 through early October 2020:

  • Deborah Barkun (Associate Professor, Art History; Creative Director, Berman Museum of Art), and Lisa Hanover (Interim Director of Operations for the Berman Museum of Art ), submitted multiple proposals in support of operations and projects at the Berman Museum of Art including proposals to the National Endowment for the Humanities ($135,976), the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance ($10,000- Awarded), Pennsylvania Council on the Arts ($1,930-Awarded), and the Department of Community and Economic Development ($65,000).
  • Casey Schwarz (Assistant Professor, Physics), submitted a proposal to the Kaufman Foundation ($90,407) for their Integrated Research- Education Grant program.
  • Alexandria Frisch (Assistant Professor, Religious Studies), and Angela Upright (Assistant Director for the Harold C. Smith Program), submitted a letter of intent to the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations and have been invited to submit a full proposal in November 2020.
  • Matt Mizenko (Associate Professor, Modern Language), and Yukino Tanaka (Assistant Professor, Modern Language), submitted a proposal to the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles ($10,000- Awarded) for salary cost sharing for the Japanese Language program.
  • Professor Kara McShane (Assistant Professor, English) and Christine Iannicelli (Instructional Technology Librarian), submitted a proposal to the National Endowment for the Humanities for ($118,942) to support the building of the digital liberal arts program through humanities, technology, and ethics.