Theater and Dance

Abbie Cichowski Kim
Abbie Cichowski Kim

Abbie Cichowski Kim


Theater, Media and Communications Studies

Current Position

Director of Leadership Annual Gifts


Ursinus College


I’ve been working for Ursinus in the Office of Advancement ever since graduation in various roles — from Alumni Relations to Major Gift fundraising. It’s been an honor to continue my journey at Ursinus. I do get the “theatrical” urge, and have satisfied it by performing at Ursinus in productions post-graduation, as well as community theater productions at Forge Theater in Phoenixville. I started doing some creative writing in college (as part of my Honors Project) and continue that for my own personal amusement.

What else are you working on?

I plan to keep my eyes open for additional community theater opportunities and would love to get back into dance in a more organized way!

Impact of Ursinus

My professional role requires many skills that I first learned and honed by being in theatre — presentation, communication, listening, reading body language, etc. I think trained actors are at an advantage to do so many things and pursue so many paths, since they are so often asked to “walk in others’ shoes.” Empathy is key to fostering and maintaining relationships. Additionally, theatre forces you out of your comfort zone and, many times, requires you to “think on your feet.” That flexibility and adaptability is crucial to remaining nimble under pressure. (Oh, and memorizing pages of monologues probably helped keep my brain sharper than it normally would have been! :))