Intramural Co-ed Volleyball Rules
General Information:
- All teams should be aware of the general rules for intramurals.
- Teams must wear tennis shoes or similar footwear. No black soled shoes. Teams must wear the same colored shirts that serve as uniforms. If possible, teams should number their shirts.
- Teams will consist of six players; however a team may start with no less than four players. In a Co-ed Rec game, a team must have no less than two of the minority sex on the court at all times.
- A team diminished to fewer than four players as a result of injury during the game, may continue.
- Substitutions are only allowed during dead ball situations.
Game Play:
The game will last until one team scores 25 points, and wins the game by two points. If a team reaches 25 points and is only up by one point, the match will continue until a team wins by two points.
- All games will be played by rally score rules (a point is scored on each serve).
- Any team that does not have four players present within five minutes after the scheduled starting time will forfeit the game.
Each match will be played out in a best of three game series. If a third game is required, the third game will only be played until 15, with a team winning by two points or more.
Fouls - Fouls result in point or side-out depending on whether the team fouled against is serving (point) or receiving (side-out). Simultaneous fouls by opponents result in replay of point.
- Server hits ball out of court so that it touches or does not clear the net.
- Player serves out of order.
- Player does not cleanly hit the ball (ball appears to rest momentarily at contact).
- Player hits ball successively (exception: blocker may re-hit after simultaneous hit).
- Team plays the ball more than three times before sending it to opponents’ court.
- Player touched net, reaches over net to block a set, steps fully across center line,
- Interferes with opponents under net while ball is in play.
- Unsportsmanlike play