Business and Economics

Hunter Yan
Hunter Yan

Weinan (Hunter) Yan

Weinan (Hunter) Yan joined the Business and Economics department at Ursinus College in the Fall 2020. He studied Mathematics and Statistics at the Miami University before moving on to his PhD in Economics at Rutgers University. Dr. Yan’s research focuses on monetary and fiscal policies, economic crises, and inequality. He is passionate about teaching and enjoys being in the classroom and helping young minds develop an interest in economic reasoning. Dr. Yan’s teaching interests are Macroeconomics and Econometrics. He encourages students to apply economic theories to real-world problems.


Business and Economics


  • B.S. Mathematics and Statistics, Miami University
  • Ph.D. Economics, Rutgers University


  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • Econometrics