Health Sciences

Dr. Nicole Ivaska
Dr. Nicole Ivaska

Nicole Ivaska

Nicole Ivaska is a member of the Health Sciences Department where she has been responsible for various health-related courses. Her background combines both medical science and public health, and she is a Certified Health Education Specialist. Nicole is an advocate of holistic health and intervention, researching cross-comparisons to quality of life indicators among various demographics. She is currently pursuing her doctoral education in medical science and education in health professions.


Health Sciences


B.S.M.S., M.S., King’s College

M.P.H., West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Certified Health Education Specialist

PhD (Medical Science); EdD (Doctor of Education in Health Professions)


Public Health

Concepts in Wellness / Fitness

Anatomy & Physiology (Lab)

Anatomy & Physiology (Lecture)

Exercise Physiology (Lab)

Professional Experience

Nicole’s specialty begin in Internal medicine and Adolescent health, where she has worked in both healthcare and research. While pursuing her MPH, she interned with the North Penn United Way to provide community health research regarding key health indicators likely to predict school success. Her international experience as a health educator sparked interest in pursuing her own public health outreach organization now known as C.H.A.S.E. (Community Health Advocates for Social Equity). Various projects have included local community efforts of preventative health services and education, as well as international efforts of program implementation and evaluation for national and global organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization.

Research Interests

Some of Nicole’s research endeavors and presentations have included:

  • Investigation of health prevention efforts among adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s), their corresponding clinical outcomes, epigenetic associations, and intervention methods
  • Examination of epigenetic links between infectious disease and clinical outcomes, specifically epigenetic reprogramming of host genes in viral and microbial pathogenesis
  • Analysis of integrative health impacts on primary, secondary, and tertiary care: a cross-comparison of urban and medically underserved areas
  • Exploration to health promotion efforts of primary and secondary evidence-based intervention strategies of military health and wellness
  • “A change in risk assessment: Evaluating adolescent perception of nutrition and sports-related injury” (2017)
  • “Community-oriented public health – What if our community kept us healthy?” (2016-2017)
  • Nature vs Nurture, The Epigenetic Debate (2016)
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences, A Clinical Representation (2015)