Scholarships and Fellowships

Elie Wiesel and Richard T. Schellhase Prize in Ethics


Richard T. Schellhase Essay Prize in Ethics is an essay contest brought to you by the U-Imagine Center for Integrative and Entrepreneurial Studies.

  • The topic should concern something of ethical or moral importance – a matter of right and wrong or good and bad, a personal dilemma, a policy dilemma, a choice among competing good things, and so on
  • Submissions will be judged based on clarity, insight, focus, originality, and quality of analysis


Ursinus contestants may also enter their essays in the national Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest

  • The Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest is an annual competition designed to challenge college students to analyze the urgent ethical issues confronting them in today’s complex world.
  • Students are encouraged to write thought-provoking personal essays that raise questions, single out issues and are rational arguments for ethical action.
  • Essays are on specific topics (See the website for details) and must be submitted with the support of a faculty member.


Please see for more details on both awards 


Who can apply: Juniors and Seniors