Modern Languages

Photo of Juan-Ramón de Arana
Photo of Juan-Ramón de Arana

Juan-Ramón de Arana

Juan-Ramón de Arana earned his Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis and came to Ursinus College in 1996. He has taught all levels of the Spanish curriculum as well as the Common Intellectual Experience sequence. His scholarship deals with questions of class, politics, and society in late 20th and 21st-century Spanish narrative. He believes scholarship and teaching go hand in hand, and that in order to understand and interpret fiction we need to ground it in history.

He is also the author of the Spanish Language Exercises, a comprehensive web site offering interactive language practice for Spanish.


Modern Languages


  • B.A., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis


SPAN-201 - Conversation and Composition
SPAN-202 - Topics in Hispanic Literature and Culture
SPAN-207 - Spanish Civilization and Culture
SPAN-251 - Survey of Spanish Literature
SPAN-328 - Advanced Spanish Grammar
SPAN-340 - Topics in Hispanic Studies
SPAN-350 - Translation

Professional Experience

Research Interests

Contemporary Spanish Narrative
Literary Theory

Recent Work

Selected publications

“La crítica ético-política en La conquista del aire¸ de Belén Gopegui.” El viaje a Ítaca. Actas de la XXXI Asamblea y Congreso International de ALDEEU. Ed. Juan Liébana. Middleboro: The Country Press, 2012. 95-104.

Lo que me queda por vivir, de Elvira Lindo: hacia una dialéctica de los ásperos tiempos’”. XXXIII Asamblea y Congreso International de ALDEEU, Saint Augustine, Florida. April 16-18, 2013.

“La problematización de la clase en Crematorio, de Rafael Chirbes”. La nueva literatura hispánica 14 (2010). 165-86.