Health Sciences

Michelle Vande Berg
Michelle Vande Berg

Michelle Vande Berg

Michelle Vande Berg is a member of the Health Sciences Department where she is responsible for teaching various courses. Her background combines a focus in teacher education with experience in clinical sports medicine. After completing bachelor’s degrees in both physical education and Athletic Training, Michelle initially focused on sports medicine. Once becoming a Certified Athletic Trainer, she completed a master’s degree in Kinesiology as well as a fellowship with the United States Olympic Committee in Chula Vista, CA. Michelle started at Ursinus College in 2001, driven by the opportunity to continue work as an Athletic Trainer with the college’s athletic department, and teach as an adjunct in the Exercise and Sport Science (now HEP) Department. Michelle gained certification as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist and served as an Approved Clinical Instructor for West Chester University’s Athletic Training Program. Her special interests lie in the development and teaching of “pre-habilitation” programs to increase performance and decrease injury in upper body athletes. Michelle is excited to work with future Health and Physical Educators enrolled in the Health Sciences Department teacher certification tract and connect these students with working professionals and UC alumni in the field. She views the communication and skill required for an educator to teach a new movement, or sport skill as similar that needed by a sports medicine clinician to progress rehabilitation exercises or facilitate return to play protocols.


Health Sciences


B.S. Physical Education - Teacher’s Education – Indiana University

B.S., M.S, Athletic Training - Kinesiology - Indiana University

NATABOC Certified Athletic Trainer

NSCA - Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist


Concepts in Wellness / Fitness

Sport Psychology

Current Trends in Sports Medicine

Methods of Teaching Secondary Health and Physical Education

Methods of Teaching Elementary Health and Physical Education

Structural Kinesiology