HomepageBiologyHonors Spotlight Star: Samuel Krause

Honors Spotlight Star: Samuel Krause

Honor’s spotlight star Samuel Krause researches “The Effect of Dietary Nutrition on the Regeneration of Ambystoma mexicanum” under the mentorship of Dr. Ellen Dawley.

1. Who’s lab are you in?

  • Dr. Ellen Dawley

2. What is the title of your research?

  • The Effect of Dietary Nutrition on the Regeneration of Ambystoma mexicanum

3. Give a brief summary of your research.

  • Ambystoma mexicanum, or the Axolotl, possesses an intriguing ability to regenerate many structures, including but not limited to vertebral structures, organs, and even portions of their brains. Previous research has shown that Axolotl microbiota impacts the regeneration of tissue. Furthermore, an Axolotl’s diet affects its microbiota. My research looks to see if an Axolotl diet has any noticeable effects on tail regeneration.

4. What was your motive for joining a research lab?

  • I felt that a research lab allowed me to fully immerse myself in science and lab work in a way that classes didn’t achieve. Working in a research lab requires you to think critically and creatively about complex problems. You will learn to analyze data, interpret results, and draw conclusions based on evidence. These skills will be valuable not just in your academic career, but also in your future professional endeavors.

5. How has participating in research affected your college experience?

  • Research has allowed me more hands-on experience with lab techniques, preparing me for post-grad work. While it was a lot of extra work, and it was especially difficult while I was taking difficult classes, it was worth the effort.

6. What has been the highlight of your research?

  • The real highlight for me has been the honors research process. Coming up with an idea for a project and seeing it all the way through has been incredibly fulfilling. No class can replicate the feeling of building your own project from the ground up and seeing statistically significant data.

7. What are your future plans for after graduation?

  • I would like to work in a lab involving immunology or virology before eventually moving on to getting a PhD. These areas of science are at the forefront of solving some of the human body’s most cryptic issues.

8. Any words of wisdom for perspective future researchers?

  • Start as early as possible. The more time spent in one research lab, the more you can familiarize yourself with the relevant science. Many of the lab techniques you learn in a research lab are directly applicable in workplace laboratories.

9. Are there any fellow researchers or mentors you would like to thank?

  • I would like to thank Dr. Dawley for giving me the opportunity to pursue research so early in my college career. Her guidance has been crucial to my success, and I couldn’t be more thankful.
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