External Facility Rental Inquiries The office of protocol and special events supports initiatives that enhance the College’s reputation, reach, and impact, especially those that involve the presence of the president, board of trustees, and the overall visibility of the College. Ursinus welcomes facility rental inquiries throughout the year. Interested parties are encouraged to complete the inquiry form*. Our staff will provide status updates within two weeks of submission. Please note that inquiries are subject to facility and staff availability. Requests made with less than two weeks’ notice will not be considered. *If you are requesting to rent our facilities for a camp or conference, please complete our External Camp/Conference Inquiry Form. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. name required text field Name* email_address required e-mail address field Email address* phone_number required text field Phone Number* organizationgroup_name required text field Organization/Group Name* eventprogram_name required text field Event/Program Title* eventprogram_description required text field Event/Program Description* rental_type radio button field Rental Type Arts/Culture Rental - Performance Arts/Culture Rental - Non-performance Athletic Facility Rental Small Gathering/Meeting Space - Corporate Small Gathering/Meeting Space - Non-profit proposed_date_and_time required date/time field Proposed Date and Time* at proposed_facilities required textarea field Requested Facilities* If you do not have a specific space in mind, please provide a description of your space needs. anticipated_attendance_amp_aud required textarea field Anticipated Attendance & Audience* additional_services required checkbox field Additional Services*Do you anticipate needing any of the following services No - additional needs Catering - Reception Menu w/alcohol Catering - Reception Menu without alcohol Catering - Lunch Menu Catering - Dinner Menu Catering - Other Microphone(s) Music & Speakers Projection (Slideshows) Additional furniture (tables, chairs, etc.) Golf cart rental On-site staff can_you_provide_a_certificate required text field Can you provide a certificate of insurance that meets our CGL and Umbrella Liability* View the college’s insurance requirements: https://www.ursinus.edu/live/files/3977-standard-insurance-requirements any_additional_information_you textarea field Any additional information you would like to provide how_did_you_hear_about_us_phon required radio button field How did you hear about us?* Website Social Media E-newsletter Word of Mouth Organization/Business (PV Chamber of Commerce, VFTCB) Publication (brochure, magazine) Other if_someone_referred_you_please text field If someone referred you, please provide their first and last name. Link (required) Last modified on Aug. 12th, 2024 at 5:11pm by Jordan Scharaga.