Becoming a Digital Liberal Arts Fellow

What Training do DLA Fellows Undergo?

DLA Fellows start out as DLA Apprentices. DLA Apprentices spend a semester completing an online training course that teaches them how to use over 15 different types of technology and how to consult with faculty and students on digital projects. They also shadow Fellows and professional staff and support curricular and co-curricular workshops as necessary.

Once trained, DLA Apprentices become DLA Fellows. DLA Fellows receive ongoing training and support from LIT and are encouraged to take initiative and develop their own digital skills, digital projects, and workshops.

How Can I Apply?

Any Ursinus student can apply to become a DLA Apprentice. We welcome all majors. No technical experience is necessary. Freshmen and sophomores are encouraged to apply.

As a DLA Apprentice, you will go through a semester-long training program. You will then be eligible to become a DLA Fellow the next semester, which comes with a pay raise and additional responsibilities (Note: Students who have taken the DIGS 200: Intro to Digital Studies course may be able to fast-track their training as an apprentice and become a DLA Fellow within the same semester). We encourage students working as DLA Fellows to continue with the position throughout their time at Ursinus.

You can search Handshake to see if there are any open DLA Apprentice positions open. Positions are added on a rolling basis so please check back often. If there are no positions available, you can contact Instructional Technology to indicate your interest.