Digital Fluency Learning Outcomes
The digital fluency program has the following learning outcomes for students. While students can elect to attend co-curricular events that teach these outcomes, most students learn these outcomes in the classroom. Librarians lead class sessions and work with faculty to integrate these outcomes into the curriculum.
- Students are introduced to new technologies and information resources.
- Students define and follow the research process.
- Students seek and find evidence to both support and challenge their opinions and ideas.
- Students differentiate between popular and scholarly research.
- Students choose reputable and appropriate information and digital resources to use in any given situation.
- Students create and adapt their search strategies dependent on the situation.
- Students identify when they need to gather additional information or choose a new technology.
- Students successfully troubleshoot issues related to technology and information seeking and seek assistance when required.
- Students persist, reevaluate, and/or adapt despite frustrations, setbacks, and changes in technology and access.
- Students distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of information and technology.
- Students identify areas where they have confirmation bias.
- Students assess their own knowledge and abilities.
- Students reflect on and analyze their technology use and information sources.
- Students actively work towards finding balance in their technology use and information consumption.
- Students identify who is available for assistance and seek out and ask for help and advice from professionals when issues arise.
- Students engage in responsible communication etiquette and netiquette.
- Students communicate effectively and ethically in written and digital platforms.
- Students collaborate effectively with others on digital and research projects.
- Students can define project management, the stages involved, and the roles that members play within it.
- Students make informed decisions about what information to keep private.
- Students share information in contextually appropriate and responsible ways.
- Students demonstrate a basic understanding of the complexities of issues related to data, privacy, surveillance, and the filter bubble.
- Students identify the issues of inclusion, access, and accessibility in the digital world.
- Students respect and follow copyright law and academic honesty policies and accurately cite their sources.
- Students actively create and manage a professional, responsible digital presence and are accountable for what they share and produce online.
- Students create content using a variety of technology and incorporating universal design principles.
- Students present information effectively using digital tools.
- Students define and identify the benefits of using cloud or server storage systems.
- Students use a secure platform to store their files.
- Students back up their files frequently.
- Students add metadata to digital content to aid in future discovery.
- Students create a preservation plan for long-term digital projects.