How to add, edit and show Ursinus faculty, staff, students and alumni.
Editing your own profile (non- Livewhale Editors)
- When you visit your profile page, you’ll see an “Edit my profile” link at the bottom.
- Click this link, and you’ll be prompted to log in before editing your profile.
- You can find a shortcut to edit your profile in the tool bar menu, at the top-right beneath your name: “Edit my Public Profile”. This menu only appears when you’re logged into LiveWhale.
Creating profiles
- Go to the Dashboard, click on the Profiles Tab.
- Select the type of profile you wish to make (Student, Alumni, Staff, Faculty, etc)
- Complete the information in which ever fields that you choose and include a Photo. (Click on + sign box next to name to upload a new photo or to select one from the Image Library)
- Switch from Hidden to Live when done
- Note: If you leave a field empty if will not show us, so that is fine. The Description box is an option that allows for free text below the profile photo without a header. This is often used.
- NEW! The optional Quote field is for the red text that would sit below the name and title of the person, and adjacent to the photo. This could be used for any purpose such as: Fun Fact, Research Interest, Future job, or as it says…. your favorite quote!
Forms for New Staff & Faculty Profile
The completed forms will be submitted to Erin Hovey who will either 1) forward the submission to proper department web editor to create web profile OR 2) she will create the web profile for that new staff/faculty member.
New Staff Profile Form:
New Faculty Profile Form:
Displaying Profile Widgets
You can show faculty, staff, alumni or students on your page by going to the red Insert text on toolbar and inserting widget to the page.