Campus Loan Program
At Ursinus College, we live with art. Pick out artwork from the Berman permanent collection to make your space a personalized gallery.
Selecting Artwork
To initiate the Campus Loan process, faculty and staff members should contact Catherine Sirizzotti, Collections Manager, to schedule an appointment. During your visit, you’ll view the Campus Loan Collection in the Berman’s vaults and consult with Berman staff before making your selection(s).
Your desired home for the borrowed piece(s) should not be near any sinks, food areas, lamps, furniture, supplies, or in direct sunlight. These conditions can damage the artwork. If you are unsure whether the environment you have in mind is safe for art, a Berman staff member can provide guidance upon request.
Installation of your artwork is a breeze. Berman staff or authorized facilities personnel will transport and mount the art in the agreed-upon location.
Once the artwork is in place, please contact the Berman Museum if you notice any damage or plexiglass, glass, and/or frames in need of cleaning.
The Berman staff take a bi-annual Campus Loan Collection inventory for the upkeep of all borrowed work. The Berman Museum will provide ample notice of the inventory timeframe.