Learning Goals
Department of Theater and Dance Learning Outcomes
The theater and dance department offers historical, critical and practical training in the performing arts. The study of theater and dance within the context of a liberal arts education will develop students for whom rigorous intellectual and artistic inquiries are inextricably linked. Coursework includes acting, dancing, choreography, directing, history and theory of performance, theatrical design and production. Students who major in theater and dance can pursue graduate studies, a career in the performing arts or apply their knowledge and experience to other fields of endeavor.
Outcome 1
Describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate both written and performance texts.
Outcome 2
Contextualize eras, genres, styles and forces (both socio-political and multi-cultural) shaping theater and dance.
Outcome 3
Demonstrate increased competence in areas of theater or dance, including: dramaturgy, performance technique, and technical production.
Outcome 4
Use practical methodologies to create dance or theater performances and projects, with an understanding of the collaborative process necessary to achieve a standard of professionalism.
Outcome 5
Develop effective written and oral communication to defend informed reflections and judgments about theater or dance.