PHYS-101Q. Introduction to Astronomy
A survey of astronomy, including the following topics: the development of astronomy as a modern science, the birth and death of stars (white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes), the origin of the solar system, galaxies and the origin of the universe, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Four semester hours. (S.)
PHYS-110. Physics on Screen
An examination of physics and astronomy as portrayed in popular film and television. It will include the following physical topics: conservation laws, mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and introductory quantum physics. It will also explore the relationship between the scientific understanding of those topics and their depiction in various media and styles, as well as the social and cultural influences of those depictions. The course will include historical as well as contemporary perspectives. There are no prerequisites for this course; however, a general knowledge of algebra is desirable. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. Four semester hours. (S.)
PHYS-111Q. General Physics I
An algebra/trigonometry-based introduction to mechanics and thermodynamics. Prerequisite: MATH-110 or equivalent algebra and trigonometry preparation. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. Four semester hours. (S.)
PHYS-112. General Physics II
A continuation of PHYS-111Q. An algebra/trigonometry-based introduction to waves, electricity, magnetism, and light. Prerequisite: MATH-110 or equivalent algebra and trigonometry preparation. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. Four semester hours. (S.)
PHYS-121Q. Spacetime and Quantum Physics
A study of special relativity and an introduction to quantum physics, utilizing the principles of calculus in the presentation and in exercises. Topics will include spacetime diagrams, the relativity of simultaneity, time dilation, relativistic kinematics, probability, quantization, and interference. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH-111, or permission of the instructor. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. Offered fall semester. Four semester hours. (S.)
PHYS-122Q. Electromagnetism and Thermodynamics
A study of electricity and magnetism and thermal physics. Introduction to vector calculus. Prerequisite or corequisite: PHYS-121, MATH-112; or permission of the instructor. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. Offered spring semester. Four semester hours. (S.)
PHYS-201. Introductory Classical Mechanics
Vectors, vector calculus, classical mechanics, statics, kinematics, dynamics of a particle, energy, harmonic motion, moving reference systems, central forces, chaos. Prerequisites: PHYS-122, MATH-112. Three hours of lecture. Offered fall semester. Four semester hours.
PHYS-207W. Modern Physics
Origins of quantum theory, physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and elementary particles. Work will include a literature review and presentation on a topic of current interest. Offered spring semester. Prerequisites: PHYS-122Q. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
PHYS-299. Mathematical Physics I
Ordinary differential equations, special functions of mathematical physics, linear algebra, coordinate transformations, vector analysis, Fourier series, numerical solution of algebraic equations. Offered spring semester. Prerequisites: PHYS-122, MATH-112. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
PHYS-301. Introduction to Astrophysics
Astrometry, astronomical photometry, CCD imaging and image processing, spectroscopy. The astronomical two-body problem, tidal forces, the Sun and planets, observable properties of stars, stellar structure and evolution, binary stars, galaxies and cosmology. Prerequisites: PHYS-201, 207. Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week. Four semester hours. (S.)
PHYS-304. Thermal Physics
An introduction to thermodynamics and classical and quantum statistical mechanics with an emphasis on the statistical foundations. Topics include temperature, laws of thermodynamics, work, heat, energy, entropy, thermodynamic potentials, kinetic theory of dilute gases, equations of state. Offered fall semester in even numbered years. Prerequisites: PHYS-122, PHYS-299. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
PHYS-305. General Relativity
Development of Einstein’s theory of general relativity from basic physical principles. Introduction to the mathematics of curved spacetime. Astrophysical applications, including gravitomagnetism, blackholes, cosmology and the creation and detection of gravitational waves. Prerequisite: PHYS-201, 299. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
PHYS-306. Materials Science
A study of the basic principles necessary to understand structure-property relations in engineering materials. Topics will include the study of structure–property relationship in materials, tools for characterization, properties ranging from mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical, magnetic, and chemical in nature and the application of modern materials. Prerequisites: PHYS-121, 122; or permission of the instructor. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week.Four semester hours.
PHYS-328W. Analog Electronics
Foundations of analog circuits, including DC and AC circuits, transistors, and operational amplifiers with emphasis on laboratory techniques and the written communication of scientific results. Prerequisite: PHYS-122. One hour of lecture; an average of three hours of laboratory per week. Two semester hours.
PHYS-329W. Digital Electronics
Foundations of digital electronics, including data acquisition systems, with emphasis on laboratory techniques and the written communication of scientific results Prerequisite: PHYS-122. One hour of lecture; an average of three hours of laboratory per week. Two semester hours.
PHYS-338W. Advanced Physics Laboratory I
Experimental investigations of physical phenomena with emphasis on laboratory techniques and the written and oral communication of scientific results. Offered spring semester. Prerequisites: PHYS-207W. One hour of lecture; an average of three hours of laboratory per week. Two semester hours.
PHYS-339W. Advanced Physics Laboratory II
Experimental investigations of physical phenomena with emphasis on laboratory techniques and the written and oral communication of scientific results. Offered spring semester. Prerequisites: PHYS-207W. One hour of lecture; an average of three hours of laboratory per week. Two semester hours.
PHYS-350. Special Topics in Physics
Study and discussion of advanced topics or recent developments in physics. Students must consult the chair of the department before registering for this course. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
PHYS-381. Internship
A laboratory project in cooperation with industry at an industrial site, a national lab, or other appropriate academic site. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. Before beginning the internship, the student must submit a proposal to be approved by the Physics faculty and the on-site supervisor. Upon completion of the work, written and/or oral reports must be presented to the department. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 120 hours of work. Graded S/U. Three semester hours. (XLP.)
PHYS-382. Internship
A laboratory project in cooperation with industry at an industrial site, a national lab, or other appropriate academic site. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. Before beginning the internship, the student must submit a proposal to be approved by the Physics faculty and the on-site supervisor. Upon completion of the work, written and/or oral reports must be presented to the department. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 160 hours of work. Graded S/U. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
PHYS-401. Applications of Quantum Mechanics
The hydrogen atom, angular momentum, systems of identical particles, perturbation theory, and other applications selected from atomic, molecular, solid-state, and nuclear physics. Offered fall semester in odd numbered years. Prerequisites: PHYS-207W, 299. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
PHYS-409. Electrodynamics
Electric and magnetic fields and potentials, Laplace’s equation, dielectrics and magnetic materials, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves. Offered spring semester in even-numbered years. Prerequisites: PHYS-122, 201, 299. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
PHYS-410. Classical Mechanics
Dynamics of a system of particles, mechanics of rigid bodies, general motion of a rigid body, Lagrange’s equations, Hamilton’s equations, theory of vibrations, with an emphasis on numerical problem solving and visualization. Offered spring semester in odd-numbered years. Prerequisites: PHYS-201, 299 Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
PHYS-411. Research
Investigations, of experimental or theoretical nature, pursued independently by the student. The preparation of a summarizing report is required. To register for this course, a student must have the consent of a member of the physics Faculty to serve as the adviser. This course can be taken more than once. An average of three hours of research work per week. Graded S/U. One semester hour.
PHYS-412. Research
Continuation of PHYS-411. This course can be taken more than once. An average of three hours of research work per week. Graded S/U. One semester hour.
PHYS-421. Research
Same as PHYS-411, but more extensive in scope. This course can be taken more than once. An average of six hours of research work per week. Graded S/U. Two semester hours.
PHYS-422. Research
Continuation of PHYS-421. This course can be taken more than once. An average of six hours of research work per week. Graded S/U. Two semester hours.
PHYS-431. Research
Same as PHYS-421, but more extensive in scope. This course can be taken more than once. An average of nine hours of research work per week. Graded S/U.Three semester hours. (XLP.)
PHYS-432. Research
Continuation of PHYS-431. An average of nine hours of research work per week. Graded S/U. Three semester hours. (XLP.)
PHYS-450W. Seminar
Senior Seminar is the capstone course in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Each student will select a topic of current interest in physics and investigate the primary literature on that topic. Students pursuing the astrophysics or applied physics tracks will select topics within those domains. Students will meet and give a series of informal presentations on their chosen topics. The final products of the course are a formal literature review paper and a presentation. Three hours per week. Prerequisites: PHYS-207W, 299, and at least eight credits of additional work at the 300-level or above, or permission of the Physics department. Four semester hours. (CCAP.)
PHYS-491. Research/Independent Work
This course is open to candidates for departmental honors and to other students with the permission of the departmental chairman. This course can be taken more than once. Twelve hours per week. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
PHYS-492W. Research/Independent Work
A continuation of PHYS-491. Writing a major paper and giving an oral presentation are required. Prerequisite: PHYS-491. Twelve Hours per Week.Four semester hours. (XLP.)
PHYS-499. Physics Assessment
A course required of all senior majors, designed to assess their learning in the physics program. Offered in the fall semester. Graded S/U. Zero semester hours.