Ursinus delegates at National Model UN - DC 2022

Model United Nations

Ursinus students have participated in the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference since 1966.

NMUN offers students an opportunity to engage in cooperative, hands-on, experiential learning during an intensive five-day conference in New York City.

Students negotiate solutions to real-world issues such as international security, global trade and finance, sustainable use of natural resources, global health, children’s rights, and women in science. A two-semester course, POL-350, prepares students for their research and committee work.

In past years, Ursinus delegates have won awards for their research and negotiation efforts. Delegates usually have the opportunity to meet with diplomats from the country they represent, including recent visits to the United Nations missions of Norway, Morocco, and Iraq.

This spring, the Model UN team represented Switzerland. Since 2020, the team has represented:

Briefing by members of Iraq's Mission to the United Nations Briefing by members of Iraq's Mission to the United Nations Credit: Johannes Karreth

Marcus Mattis speaks in the UN General Assembly Hall Marcus Mattis speaks in the UN General Assembly Hall Credit: UN Web TV