In an era of rapid technological and social change, this program aims to increase awareness of the centrality of media and communication to identity, social order, and democratic processes.
A degree in Media and Communication Studies prepares students for graduate work in media and communication studies, for careers in the communication and information industries as well as leadership positions in business, law, politics, and education. Students are encouraged to work with their major adviser to develop a course of study that best meets their individual goals and challenges them to consider the relationship between theory and practice.
Majors are encouraged to consider a study abroad program and to complete an internship as part of their department and college requirements. The College’s proximity to Philadelphia, one of the nation’s largest media markets, offers our students a range of internship opportunities in print, broadcast, cable, film, advertising, public relations, and digital media. Majors are expected to participate actively and to assume leadership roles in campus organizations associated with the field of communication. These include the Grizzly, the campus newspaper; WVOU, the campus radio station; Theta Chi, the MCS honors society; and UCTV, the campus cable station.