Health Sciences Requirements
The Department of Health Sciences offers a comprehensive curriculum focused on the study of the human body (e.g., pre-physical therapy, pre-nursing, pre-physician assistant, pre-occupational therapy pre-athletic training, corporate fitness, and graduate school preparation in exercise physiology and health sciences) and Pennsylvania teacher certification (K-12) in Health and Physical Education.
HS majors gain valuable clinical experiences working in a variety of exercise related settings (e.g., athletic training room, fitness center, and intramural sports program.)
The educational goals of the department are to introduce students to current concepts in the fields of Health Sciences, to expose them to a variety of work-related experiences, and to involve them in various aspects of research. These experiences will foster a sense of responsibility and develop critical, independent thinking consistent with the objectives of a liberal arts education.
Requirements for Majors
The Department of Health Sciences offers a comprehensive curriculum focused on the study of the human body (e.g., pre-physical therapy, pre- Ursinus College – Course Catalog 2023- 2024 159 nursing, pre-physician assistant, pre-occupational therapy pre-athletic training, corporate fitness, and graduate school preparation in exercise physiology and health sciences) and Pennsylvania teacher certification (K-12) in Health and Physical Education. HS majors gain valuable clinical experiences working in a variety of exercise related settings (e.g., athletic training room, fitness center, and intramural sports program.) The educational goals of the department are to introduce students to current concepts in the fields of Health Sciences, to expose them to a variety of work-related experiences, and to involve them in various aspects of research. These experiences will foster a sense of responsibility and develop critical, independent thinking consistent with the objectives of a liberal arts education.
I. Required Courses
- HS-100, 202, 334
- BIO-102Q
- STAT-141Q
II. Elective Course Requirements
A. Allied Science (AH) Concentration
All AH students must complete HS-150, 205, 205L, 206, 262, 351, 352Q, and four of the following courses, one of which must be a 400-level capstone course listed below.
- HS-203, 220, 232W, 263, 275, 278, 298, 300, 333, 340, 360, 366, 413, 446, 447, 452, 460, 464, 490W or 491W
- Possible capstone courses with an oral presentation: HS-413, 415, 455, 446, 447, 490W or 491W. It is highly recommended that students research their individual prerequisite needs for graduate school no later than the end of their sophomore year and meet with their adviser to discuss them.
It is recommended that students seeking admission to graduate allied health programs should elect to take two or more upper-level BIO courses (300/400 level); CHEM-107/107L, 108/108L; MATH-111 and/or MATH/STAT-141Q; PHYS-111Q, 112; and various courses from the Humanities and Social Science Divisions.
B. Public Health Concentration (PH)
All PH students must complete the following courses:
- HS Introductory Courses: HS-150, 262
- HS Intermediate Natural Science Courses: HS-205, 205L, 206; or HS-207, 205L, 208
- One additional natural science course or four credits of research focus or outdoor leadership courses: HS-223, 224, 225, 232, 234, 235, 240, 245, 263W, 333, 351, 352, 370, 490W, 491, 492W
- Two Population-level/Synthesis courses: HS-320, 321
- One Intermediate Math Course: STAT-243W (prerequisites: STAT-141Q and STAT-142 or permission of the instructor)
- One Social Science/Humanities/Natural Science/HS Social Determinants Course from the following list: ANTH-100, ANSO-200, ANTH-235, ANTH/ENVS-230, ECON-311, ENVS-100, 110, 111, 112, 216, 238, 242, 244, HS-220, HS-275, HS/SOC-298, HSOC-100, PHIL-246, PHIL/ENVS-248, POL-218, 252, 254, PSYC-100, 240, PSYC/ENVS-260, PSYC-311, 312, SOC-100, SOC/ENV-220, SOC-255
- Capstone Courses: All HS majors must complete a capstone experience which includes an oral presentation by taking HS-413, 415, 446, 447, 455, 490W, or 491W.
C. Teaching Concentration (TC)
All TC students must complete the following courses:
- HS courses: HS-207 and 205L, 208, 220, 223, 235, 245, 333, 351, 352, 355, 356, 446 and 464
- HS course choices: HS-209 or 224, HS-232W or HS-298
- DANC/HS-200
- Capstone Courses: All TC must complete a capstone experience which includes an oral presentation by taking 446.
Note: Students wishing to obtain PA teacher certification for grades K-12 must take: EDUC-100, 265, 320, 360, 375, 453 or 493, and 454. In addition, students must complete the requirements for admission to the teaching certification program (see Education) and obtain passing scores on two Praxis II examinations.
Students must earn a cumulative 3.0 GPA (Pennsylvania Department of Education Standard) and a 2.8 GPA within the HS Department to receive the departmental recommendation to be eligible to student teach. Students and their advisers should consult the Education Department Program Guide on the Ursinus College website for further information.
Requirements for Minors
A minor concentration in coaching consists of HS-100, 220, 278, 365, 366W; select two of the following courses: 223, 224, 225, 226 or 245 (23 credits).
A minor concentration in health science consists of HS-100; a choice from one of the following 3 bullet points
- BIO-206 or 306, and HS-334
- BIO-205 and HS-205L, or BIO-305 and HS-351
- BIO-206, or BIO-306 and HS-352Q
and select two of the following courses: HS-202, 203, 232W, 275, 300, 366W, 375 and 447 for a total of 20 hours. Note: Allied science concentration majors cannot receive a health science minor.