HSOC-100. Introduction to Health Studies
In this course we study health and healing from interdisciplinary perspectives. Topics we will study include: suffering and the meaning of health, mental health and addiction, disability studies, infectious and chronic diseases, and food, nutrition, and obesity studies. Guided by the Ursinus Quest first question “What should matter to me?” and the third question “How can we understand the world?”, we will read texts and debate ideas raised by diverse disciplines about why and how health presents such important ethical and societal challenges. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (DN, O.)
HSOC-150. Special Topics
An occasional course focusing on a special topic in health and society. Prerequisite: HSOC-100, or permission of the instructor. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
HSOC-301. Readings in Health and Society
Individual study of one or more selected topics in the relevant literature. May include preparation of a bibliography for a proposal for subsequent research. Requires consent of a member of the department who will serve as adviser. This course is graded S/U. One semester hour.
HSOC-302. Readings in Health and Society
Individual study of one or more selected topics in the relevant literature. May include preparation of a bibliography for a proposal for subsequent research. Requires consent of a member of the department who will serve as adviser. This course is graded S/U. Two semester hours.
HSOC-350. Special Topics
An occasional course focusing on a special topic in health and society. Prerequisite: HSOC–100, or permission of the instructor. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
HSOC-381. Internship
An academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. Contact any member of the Department for further information. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 120 hours of work. Prerequisites: A major in health and society, junior standing, at least 12 credits in health and society, and approval of the Department internship adviser. A minimum of 120 hours. Graded S/U. Three semester hours. (XLP.)
HSOC-382. Internship
An academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. Contact any member of the Department for further information. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 160 hours of work. Prerequisites: A major in health and society, junior standing, at least 12 credits in health and society, and approval of the Department internship adviser. A minimum of 160 hours. Graded S/U. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
HSOC-391. Research
An opportunity to engage in independent empirical research on a topic of your choice. Before the course begins, the student’s faculty supervisor must approve the student’s research proposal. A final progress report is required. Prerequisite: appropriate research methods course from the following list (one course from the following list): ANSO-200; HEP-261W; HIST-200W; PHIL-246; POL-300; PSYC-200Q; STAT-243W. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
HSOC-491. Research/Independent Work
Open only to candidates for Honors in Health and Society: Research methods course (one course from the following list): ANSO-200; HEP-261W; HIST-200W; PHIL-246; POL-300; PSYC-200Q; STAT-243W. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
HSOC-492W. Research/Independent Work
A continuation of HSOC-491. Prerequisites: HSOC–491 and permission of the coordinator. Four semester hours. (XLP.)