Independent Learning

Independent learning lets students take responsibility for their education and develop initiative and independence by enhancing their confidence in their own abilities. 


Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies students often do special research projects for their classes and have had opportunities to present their research at regional conferences, including an annual student research conference sponsored by the Greater Philadelphia Women’s Studies Consortium.  Recent papers have included:

  • “A Different Kind of Prejudice: Evaluating the Status of Women in Austen’s England and Chadha’s 21st Century India”
  • “The Liberation Lie: The Colonization of Igbo, Yoruba, and Akan Women of West Africa”
  • “May’s  Maintaining: A Political, Cultural, and Psychoanalytic Reading of The Age of Innocence
  • “An Undying Institution: Neo-Confucianism and Women in Showa Era Japan”


Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies minors may undertake an off-campus internship for credit, either during the school year or over the summer. Recent Internship opportunities included:

  • Intern at Embassy of Papua New Guinea, Washington DC
  • Intern for Mayor’s Office of Human Services, Homeless Services Program, Baltimore MD
  • Legal intern at the law offices of Stanley J. Ellenberg, Esq., Philadelphia PA
  • Campaign intern for Steve Grossman for Governor, Boston MA
  • Conference management intern at Institute for Humane Studies, Arlington VA
  • Intern at U.S. Mission to the United Nations, New York , NY
  • Research intern at Greek Liaison Office, Macedonia
  • Intern with International Medical Corps, Chad