The minor program provides students with curricular opportunities for developing knowledge and critical analytical skills and co-curricular opportunities for research and other applied experiences. Both the curriculum and co-curricular experiences are representative of the breadth and depth of food and agriculture studies available at Ursinus, and include natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities options, as well as interdisciplinary courses and experiences.
A minor in food studies consists of 20 credits plus an applied learning experience.
Courses may include:
ENV-216, Introduction to Food & Society
ANTH/ENV-230, Food & Culture
BIO/ENV-350, The Nature of Food
ANTH/ENV-230, Food & Culture
BIO/ENV-325, Insect Biology
BIO/ENV-334, Plant Biology
BIO/ENV-350, The Nature of Food
BIO/ENV-415W, Ecology
BIO/ENV-455W, Conservation Biology
ENV-216, Introduction to Food & Society
ENV-242, Globalization & the Environment
ENV-338, Forests & People
ENV-340, Community & Sustainable Food Systems
ENV-366, Ecological Change in a Historical Perspective
ENV-454W Sustainability in the Suburbs
POL-354, Global Health
PHIL/ENV-248, Environmental Ethics
POL-399, Politics of Poverty & Welfare
SOC/ENV-288, Animals and Society