Whittaker Environmental Research Station

Whittaker Environmental Research Station (WERS)

The Robert and Shurley Knaefler Whittaker Environmental Research Station (WERS) is home to research on sustainable agriculture and associated land management practices.

In Spring 2013, the departments of Environmental Studies and Biology were recipients of a generous donation from Ursinus almumni Donald Whittaker, Andrew Whittaker, and Elizabeth Magrann. Two separate land management systems make up the site. Experimental research is currently underway on several acres planted in perennial species used for livestock forage. Experimental land management in the form of a food forest is now underway on another acre. This system features perennial trees and shrubs planted for the variety of fruits, berries, and nuts they produce. This new food forest will grow to two acres in the coming years. These projects are intended to support student experiential learning, while developing insights for regional land managers and owners.

Ursinus Food Forest