Chemistry Requirements

  • The chemistry department at Ursinus College has been approved by the American Chemical Society since 1959. The objectives of the department are (1) to offer specialized training in chemistry, beyond the basic course, that will enable a graduate to enter a career as a professional chemist; (2) to prepare the student for graduate study; (3) to provide a strong foundation for the student planning to enter medicine, dentistry, or an allied health field; (4) to prepare the student for teaching chemistry at the secondary level; (5) to provide courses which satisfy the departmental requirements for a comprehensive minor; and (6) to provide a course in general chemistry which satisfies the natural science requirements of the College.

    Recognizing that students have different educational objectives, the chemistry department offers several programs leading to a major. Students wishing to combine a chemistry major with a major/minor concentration in another academic department may enroll in any one of the following programs (tracks) in accordance with their career interests.

    Requirements for Majors

    Regardless of track, all majors must complete the following courses: CHEM-107/107LQ, 108/108L (or 151/151LQ in place of 107/107LQ and 108/108L), 202W, 207/207L, 208/208L, 309/309L, 310/310L, 315/315L, 322/322L, 340 (twice), 401, and 499; MATH-112; and PHYS-121Q,122Q.
    Chemistry majors fulfill the requirement for an oral presentation and capstone requirement in the major by completing CHEM-401.

    Track 1. Major Specialization in Chemistry

    Students planning to enter the chemical industry or planning further study in chemistry or chemically related areas (e.g. engineering, biochemistry, material science, and the like) may enroll in this program.

    Track 2. American Chemical Society Certified Major — Chemistry Emphasis

    The American Chemical Society has adopted a set of standards for undergraduate training in chemistry. In addition to the courses required of all majors, students seeking certification must complete the following courses: CHEM-380 or 381 or 382 or 491W or Summer Fellows research with a Chemistry faculty member; and CHEM-347 or BCMB-351.

    Track 3. Specialization in Chemistry for Medical School and Allied Fields

    This course of study is designed for students planning admission to graduate programs in biochemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, etc., and to professional schools in the healing arts (such as medicine and dentistry) or further study in the health-related fields. In addition to the courses required of all majors, this program consists of the following courses: CHEM-347 or BCMB-351; BIO-101Q and 102Q.

    Track 4. Specialization in Chemistry for Science Teaching

    This program satisfies the requirements for secondary school certification in chemistry as established by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In addition to the courses required of all majors, students seeking certification should complete ENV-100 or CHEM-101Q. Prospective teachers should serve as laboratory assistants or participate in safety training. Prospective student teachers must have a 2.50 average in chemistry and receive a departmental recommendation which considers, in addition to academic performance, the student’s interpersonal and communication skills. Students and their advisers should consult the Ursinus College Education Department.

    Requirements for Minors

    A minor concentration in chemistry consists of:

    • CHEM-107/107LQ, 108/108L (or 151/151LQ in place of 107/107LQ and 108/108L), 207/207L, 208/208L
    • One of the following courses: CHEM-309/309L, 310/310L, 315/315L or 322/322L
    • At least three additional credits in chemistry at the 300-level or higher excluding internships, research, and seminar courses.

    Note: For any lecture course that has an accompanying laboratory, a student may choose to repeat the lecture and lab independently.

    Departmental Honors in Chemistry

    Students successfully completing CHEM-491W and 492W may be awarded honors in chemistry, but no additional credit will be granted. Description of the honors program, including qualifications, is detailed in this catalogue.