Research 2015
(Names with asterisks are student presenters.)
Bricker, L.*, “Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes as Molecular Conduits“, 79th Intercollegiate Student Chemists Convention, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA, April 11, 2015.
Pellegrino, J. ’17*, “Creation and Characterization of Rubrerythrin and Symerythrin Model Proteins”, 79th Intercollegiate Student Chemists Convention, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA, April 11, 2015.
Sokirniy, I. ’15*, “Semiquinone Stabilization Via de novo Designed Protein Scaffolds“, 79th Intercollegiate Student Chemists Convention, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA, April 11, 2015.
Pellegrino, J.*, Bell, K., Polinski, R.Z., Cimerol, S.N., Jacobs, A., Solomon, E.I., “Creation and Characterization of Rubrerythrin and Symerythrin Model Proteins”, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, Baltimore, MD October 5, 2015. [poster presentation* awarded 1st place]
Philip, C.*, Drost, K., Kanya, C., Reig, A.J.,“Characterization of 4-Histidine/2-Carboxylate Model Proteins”, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, Baltimore, MD October 5, 2015.
Marchese, S.*, Fritzinger, N.*, “Protein-Protein Interactions Between the Lectin-Like Domain of Thrombomodulin and Complement Component 3” , University of Maryland Baltimore County, 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, Baltimore, MD October 5, 2015.
Holt, T., “Investigating Interactions Between the Lectin-Like Domain of Thrombomodulin and Complement Component 3” , University of Maryland Baltimore County, 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, Baltimore, MD October 5, 2015.