Research 2013

(Names with asterisks are student presenters.) 

*Soloff, G., *Nobiletti, N., *Iro Kalu, K., *Schaefer, A., and Koeppe, J.R. “Characterization and Interactions of Complement Component C3 and the Lectin-Like Domain of Thrombomodulin.”  Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, February 2013. [Poster] 

*DiJoseph, K. “The Interaction of Antibiotic-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes with Escherichia coli.”  Intercollegiate Student Chemist Convention, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA, April, 13, 2013. Mentor: Dr. Mark Ellison. 

*Galvin, C.  “Comparison of Multi-functionalized Aromatic Analyte Retention between Hydrocarbon  and Fluorinated Hydrocarbon Stationary Phases using HPLC.“ Intercollegiate Student Chemist Convention, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA, April, 13, 2013. Mentor: Dr. Eric Williamsen. [Won second place in the Analytical/Physical Chemistry Division] 

*Goodwin, C. “Toxicity of Cysteine-Functionalized Nanotubes in C. elegans.“ Intercollegiate Student Chemist Convention, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA, April, 13, 2013. Mentor: Dr. Mark Ellison. [Won second place in the Biochemistry Division.] 

*Nobiletti N. “Characterization and Interaction of Thrombomodulin and Complement Factor 3 via an Optimized Pull-Down Assay.”  Intercollegiate Student Chemist Convention, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA, April, 13, 2013. Mentor: Dr. Julia Koeppe. 

*Peters, A. “An Investigation of the Electronic Coupling Matrix Element in a Series of Iron, Ruthenium, and Platinum Containing Mixed Valence Compounds.”  Intercollegiate Student Chemist Convention, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA, April, 13, 2013. Mentor: Dr. Brian Pfennig.  [Won first place in the Inorganic Chemistry Division.] 

*Sutsko, N. “The Characterization of Carbon Dots Produced from the One-Step Hydrothermal Treatment of Orange Juice.”  Intercollegiate Student Chemist Convention, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA, April, 13, 2013.  Mentor: Dr. Mark Ellison

Biernat, K.*, “Creation and Characterization of 4-HIS/3-Carboxylate-DFSC Proteins”, 16th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, October 26, 2013. {poster presentation}

Birabaharan, J.*, “Spectroscopic Studies of the Enzyme Dehaloperoxidase from the Amphitrite Ornata”, 16th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, October 26, 2013. {poster presentation}  [Awarded 2nd place in his session.]

Chen, H.*, “Interaction of Lectin-Like Domain of Thrombomodulin with the Complement System”, 16th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, October 26, 2013. {poster presentation}    Co-authors: Obeiter, S.*, Pandelidis, A.*, Koeppe, J.R.

McKay, M.*, “Purification of Complement Component C3 and the Characterization  of its Stability and Interaction with the Lectin-Like Domain of Thrombomodulin”, 16th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, October 26, 2013. {poster presentation}  Co-authors: Soloff, G.*, Pandelidis, A.*, Koeppe, J.R.

Polinski, R., ’14, Pellegrino, J., ’17, “Creation of Rubrerythrin and Symerythrin Model Proteins”, 16th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, October 26, 2013. {poster presentation}

Wambaugh, M.*, “Mutations in the Amine Groups of the Lectin-Like Domain of Thrombomodulin for Optimized Interactions with Complement Component C3”, 16th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, October 26, 2013. {poster presentation}  Co-authors: Vazquez, M.*, Koeppe, J.R.

Barndt, Wilmer*, Williamsen, Eric, “Thermodynamics and Multivariate Analysis of
HPLC Stationary and Mobile Phase Behavior”, Annual Eastern Analytical Symposium; November 18, 2013.  {poster presentation}