Research 2011

(Names with asterisks are student presenters.)

*Betzu, J.,* Butch, S., 11th Annual Philadelphia ACS Section Student Poster Session, Temple University, February 2011. [Poster - received Best Undergraduate Poster Award]

*Betzu, J.,* Butch, S., 75th Intercollegiate Student Chemists Convention, West Chester University, West Chester, PA, April 2011. [Oral Presentation]

*Chaloupka, L., “Separation of Analytes in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) using an Octyl Stationary Phase”, 75th Annual Intercollegiate Student Chemists Convention, West Chester University, West Chester, PA, April 16, 2011. [Oral Presentation]

*Lewis, G., “The Attachment of Acyclovir to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, 75th Annual Intercollegiate Student Chemistry Convention, April 16, 2011. [Oral Presentation]

*Maselli, K. “An Exploration of Remote Coupling in Trinuclear Mixed-Valence Compounds”, ISCC conference at West Chester University on April 16, 2011. [Oral Presentation]

*Rimshaw, A., “Using Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes as Acceptors in Organic Solar Cells”, 75th Annual Intercollegiate Student Chemistry Convention, April 16, 2011. [Oral Presentation -won 1st prize in the physical chemistry division]

*Soloff, G., *Schaefer, A., *Iro Kalu, K., and Koeppe J.R. “Interactions Between Thrombomodulin and Complement factor 3” Undergraduate Science Research Symposium, Haverford College, September 2011. [Poster]

*Amiri, K., Williamsen, Eric “A Thermodynamic Study of the Fluorophenyl Stationary Phase in High Performance Liquid Chromatography.” Presented at the 14th Annual University of Maryland-Baltimore County; 22 October 2011. [Poster]

*Butch, S., Reig, A. J. Production and Characterization of a Designed Di-iron Carboxylate Protein, Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland – Baltimore County, October 2011. [Poster]

*Chorney, M., “Attachment of Acyclovir and Tetracycline to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes” Mid-Atlantic Pharmacology Society Annual Meeting, October 27, 2011. [Poster] {One of several Ursinus students invited to present at MAPS on the strength of Summer Fellows presentation}

*Cimerol, S., Reig, A. J. Di-iron Proteins: Formation of a Rubrerythrin (Rbr) Replica Protein from a DFsc Model Protein, Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland – Baltimore County, October 2011. [Poster – 1st Place Award]

*Schaefer, A., *Soloff, G.,* Iro Kalu, K., and Koeppe J.R. “Interactions Between Thrombomodulin and Complement Factor 3” The Mid-Atlantic Pharmacology Society (MAPS) Annual Meeting, October 2011. [Invited Student Poster]

*Soloff, G., *Iro Kalu, K., *Schaefer, A., and Koeppe J.R. “Interactions Between Thrombomodulin and Complement Factor 3” Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland – Baltimore County, October 2011. [Poster]

*Amiri, K., Williamsen, Eric “The Thermodynamics Governing Retention for a Fluorophenyl HPLC Stationary Phase.” Presented at the 50th Annual Eastern Analytical Symposium; 15 November 2011. [Oral Presentation]