Research 2010
(Names with asterisks are student presenters.)
*Rimshaw, A., “Molecular Wire Attachment to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, 74th Annual Intercollegiate Student Chemistry Convention, April 24, 2010, University of Delaware. [Oral Presentation]
* Lewis, G., “The Attachment of Acyclovir to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, 74th Annual Intercollegiate Student Chemistry Convention, April 24, 2010, University of Delaware. [Oral Presentation]
Popescu, C. V. , Darensbourg, M., Singleton, M., *Bilko, A. “Mössbauer Studies of Model Complexes for the Active Site of the Fe-only Hydrogenases”, Gordon Research Conference: Iron-Sulfur Enzymes, Colby-Sawyer College, New Hampshire, June 6-11, 2010; Poster.
*Rimshaw, A. and Ellison, M., “Molecular Wire Attachment to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, MA, August 25, 2010. [Poster]
*Betzu, J.,* Butch, S., Undergraduate Science Research Symposium, Haverford College, September 2010. [Posters]
*Betzu, J.,* Butch, S., Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland – Baltimore County, October 2010. [Posters - received 1st Place Award]
*Amiri, K.; Williamsen, E. “The Thermodynamics Governing Retention for a Fluorophenyl HPLC Stationary Phase”, 49th Annual Eastern Analytical Symposium, 9 November 2010. [Oral Presentation]
*Chaloupka, L.; Williamsen, E., “Retention on Octyl HPLC Stationary Phases: Entropically or Enthopically Driven”, 49th Annual Eastern Analytical Symposium, 9 November 2010. [Oral Presentation]