FUTURE (Summer Research)
Summer research opportunities allow new science and mathematics students to work closely with advanced students and faculty mentors, immersing them in the Ursinus College research community.
What’s a FUTURE?
The FUTURE (Fellowships in the Ursinus Transition to an Undergraduate Research Experience) Program provides research opportunities to students traditionally underserved in the sciences and mathematics, including students from minority groups, first-generation college students, students with disabilities, and women in science and mathematics.
Program participants (called FUTURE Students) begin a research project during the summer before or immediately after their freshman year. They are mentored by an advanced research student (a FUTURE Mentor) and a member of the Ursinus faculty. The four-week FUTURE program coincides with our prestigious eight-week Summer Fellows program. During the program, FUTURE participants live on-campus, work full time on a project, take a course on how to pursue work in their field, and participate in social activities on campus. At the end of the four weeks, FUTURE Students present their work in a symposium with their peers. FUTURE Mentors stay for eight weeks and present at our Summer Fellows symposium. During the next academic year, FUTURE Students and Mentors can continue to collaborate in their research and to present their work at professional conferences.