Parlee Center for Science and the Common Good Courses
The Parlee Center supports the development of new courses on the intersection of science and society and the communication of science to the public.
Courses developed with support from the CSCG since its inception in 2012:
POL-399. Science and the Common Good
Dr. Stern, Dr. Marks
This is the core course for the fellows of the Center for Science and the Common Good. It examines the philosophic bases and critique of modern science through the works of such authors as Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger. The course also considers the ethical, political, and religious implications of contemporary developments in science such as advancements in genetic and information technologies.
IDS/MCS-256. Decoding Science
Dr. Edwards, Dr. Winegar
This course teaches students the art of critically reading primary research articles and translating them into news articles, policy papers and advocacy pieces for non-science audiences. Three hours per week. Four semester hours
POL-354. Global Health
Dr. Evans
This course considers contrasting views on health as a human right and explores how social, economic and political forces influence who gets sick, what diseases afflict them, which treatments are available to them, and what the outcome of those treatments are. It examines a number of global health problems, including malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, polio, global obesity and global hunger as well as mental health. The roles of global public health organizations and private foundations are also studied. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (SS, G.)