Welcome families from the class of 2023! May 30-31 marks spring orientation on campus. Details Welcome families from the class of 2023! May 30-31 marks spring orientation on campus. Details

Animal Behavior

  • Associate Professor Straub (Coordinator); Assistant Professor Makuch.

  • Animal Behavior is an interdisciplinary minor that introduces students to fundamental elements of animal behavior, the neurobiological mechanisms underlying behavior, and the ecological and evolutionary influences that help to shape animal behavior. Students will also be exposed to research methods commonly used in the field. The minor invites students to explore questions closely linked to the Ursinus Quest, such as:
    • how should we live with other animals as members of the interrelated living world?
    • how can we understand interactions between animals and between animals and their environments?
    • how can we understand the best (altruism) and worst (aggression) of human behavior?
    • what will I do to become a respectful co-habitant of planet Earth?

    Requirements for Minors

    To complete a minor in Animal Behavior, students must complete 23–24 credits, distributed as follows:

    I. Biology:

    II. Foundations of Behavior: (2 courses)
    BIO-359 and NEUR/PSYC-330 or PSYC-232

    III. Elective Courses: (3 courses, 1 from each group listed below)

    Elective Group 1 – Biology: BIO-324, 365, 415, 442W; BIO/ENV-320, 325.

    Elective Group 2 – Neuroscience and Psychology: NEUR/PSYC-330, 430; or PSYC-232.

    Elective Group 3 – Social Science or Applied Learning Experience: ENV-272, SOC/ENV-288; or an internship (BIO-382; ENV-381, 382; NEUR-381, 382; PSYC-381, 382); or independent/honors research (BIO-481, 482, 491, 491; HEP-481, 482, 491, 492; NEUR-481, 482, 491, 492; PSYC-481, 482, 491, 492). Internships and research projects must be approved by the Animal Behavior coordinator and contain substantive content germane to Animal Behavior.

    Special topics courses may be counted as elective courses for the minor with the permission of the instructor and the Animal Behavior coordinator. Such courses must contain substantive content germane to Animal Behavior.

    Study Abroad:

    Courses taken during study abroad may be counted toward the minor with permission of the student’s academic advisor and the Animal Behavior coordinator.

    Other Requirements:

    For Biology or Neuroscience majors wishing to minor in Animal Behavior, at least 3 courses (11 or 12 credits) for the minor must be in addition to credits already counting toward their major.

    No course may count in more than one of the “Foundational Categories” (categories I and II) or elective groups (category III).