Whitman Summer Fellows Program

The Gladstone Whitman Summer Fellows Program allows students to explore liberty and free-market ideas over a 10 week summer program.

Summer Internship at a Liberty Organization

Students can apply for a summer internship with a liberty organization.  Most recently, students had opportunities to intern at the Institute of Humane Studies in Washington D.C.

Students are provided

  •  $3,500 stipend
  • $2,800 housing allowance
  • $250 traveling reimbursement

Other potential organization are

  • Competitive Enterprise Institute
  • F.E.E.
  • Commonwealth Foundation

Summer Research Fellow at Ursinus

Students can apply for funding to do research on a topic that explores free-market ideas. The project can sole focus on free market ideas, or includes a free market perspective as one of several perspectives.

Students are provided

  • $2,500 Stipend
  • Housing in the Dorm
  • $250 expense support

A student’s research can be in any discipline. They will be required to

  • Present their research topic
  • Attend Wednesday Speaker Forum (lunch provided)
  • Present work at the Summer Fellows Colloquium

Student are required to attend a week long seminar on exploring ideas on liberty

Dr. Andrew Economopoulos

