Business and Economics Requirements

  • The Department of Business and Economics offers a variety of programs to prepare students for careers in the public and private sectors and studies in graduate or professional school. Programs include majors in Economics and Finance as well as minors in Accounting, Economics, Finance, and Management Studies. The Economics major develops a broad perspective on the allocation of resources as well as skills in applying economic theory and data to real-world problems. The Finance major prepares students to contribute to society at financial institutions and within the finance and accounting functions of both for-profit and non-profit organizations.

    The major in Business Economics prepare students to analyze factors impacting businesses both quantitatively and qualitatively. These skills provide a solid background for a variety of professions as well as prepare students for advanced education. After graduation, Economics and Finance majors are prepared to work independently and effectively in a dynamic environment where resources are scarce, information is over-abundant or uncertain, and decisions are often morally complex. Students gain experience and skills in teamwork and are challenged to recognize the moral elements of situations, the impacts of their decisions and actions on others, and are empowered to choose courses of action that are ethically sound.

    Minors offered by the Department of Business and Economics complement the studies of students majoring in any discipline.

    Requirements for Economics Majors

    A major in economics consists of 44–48 credits, comprised of the following courses:

    • Three foundational courses: ECON-101,102,151. The ECON-151 requirement will be waived for students who receive a C- or better in both MATH-111 (or a higher-level calculus course) and STAT-141Q (or a higher-level statistics course).
    • Three intermediate courses: ECON-200W, 201, and 202.
    • ECON-300Q.
    • Four electives from the following list: ECON-210, 213, 223, 231, 263, 311, 312, 313, 314, 330, 361, 362; FIN-374.
    • The economics capstone seminar: (ECON-403W). Qualified students may substitute BE-491 and 492W for the capstone requirement.

    Economics Capstone

    All students who major in Economics can fulfill the college’s capstone, writing, and oral presentation requirements with ECON-403W. Qualified students may substitute BE-491 and 492W for the capstone requirement.

    Graduate Study in Economics

    Students considering entering a doctoral program in economics after graduation are advised to take MATH-111, 112, 211, 234, and 311W as well as CS-173. Coursework in probability, statistics, and data analytics is also valuable preparation for doctoral work in the field. Research experience is also desirable. The BE department recommends students discuss their interest in graduate school with their academic advisers.

    Requirements for Finance Major

    A major in finance consists of 44–48 credits comprised of the following courses:

    • Five foundational courses: ECON-101, 102, 151; ACCT-140; FIN-270. The ECON-151 requirement will be waived for students who receive a C- or better in both MATH-111 (or a higher- level calculus course) and STAT-141Q (or a higher-level statistics course).
    • One intermediate economics course – either ECON-201 or 202.
    • FIN-200W
    • ECON-300Q
    • Either three finance electives from the following list: FIN-213, 262, 313, 370, 372, 374; ECON-362; or two of the preceding finance electives and one accounting elective from the following list: ACCT-240, 241 or 242.
    • The finance capstone (FIN-403W). Qualified students may substitute BE-491 and 492W for the capstone (FIN-403W) requirement.

    Finance Capstone

    All students who major in Finance can fulfill the college’s capstone, writing, and oral presentation requirements with FIN-403W. Qualified students may substitute BE-491 and 492W for the capstone requirement.

    Graduate Study in Finance

    Students considering entering a doctoral program in finance after graduation are advised to take MATH-111, 112, 211, 234, and 311W as well as CS-173. Coursework in probability, statistics, and data analytics is also valuable preparation for doctoral work in the field. The BE department recommends students discuss their interest in graduate school with their academic advisers.

    Requirements for Business Economics Major

    A major in Business Economics consists of 44–52 credits comprised of the following courses:

    • Four foundational courses: ECON-101, 102, 151, 200W, 201; ACCT-140; The ECON-151 requirement will be waived for students who receive a C- or better in both MATH-111 (or a higher- level calculus course) and STAT-141Q (or a higher-level statistics course).
    • MGT-200
    • MGT-201

    Concentration Elective Requirements

    All Business Economics majors must concentrate in Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Management, or Marketing. The following courses do not count as elective credit for the major in Business Economics: ECON-120; BE-381, 382, 391, 392, 394, 491, and 492W; FIN-001–004, 010, 011, 100, 272, 301, 302, 401, 402, and 403W.

    Analytics Concentration

    • DATA-201 or ECON-300
    • ECON-403W
    • eight credits from ACCT-241, PSYC-250, MCS-350, ENTR-101, ENTR-102, ECON-231, ECON 312, MKT-250, FIN-374, and MGT-300

    Entrepreneurship Concentration

    • ENTR-101 and 102
    • either ECON-403W or MGT-403W 
    • eight credits from ACCT-241, PSYC-250, ECON-231, ECON-312, MCS-350, MKT-250, ECON-310, FIN-370, ENTR-120, and MGT-300

    Management Concentration

    • Two courses from: ACCT-241, MCS-350, PSYC-250 
    • MGT-403W
    • eight credits from ENTR-101, ENTR-102, MKT-250, ECON-210, ECON-231, ECON-312, FIN-370, MGT-330, and MGT-300

    Marketing Concentration

    • ECON-231, MGT-403W and MKT-250 
    • eight credits of electives from ACCT-241, PSYC-250, ECON-231, MCS-350, ENTR-101, ENTR-102, ECON-310, FIN-370, and MGT-300

    Business Economics Capstone

    All students who major in Business Economics can fulfill the college’s capstone, writing, and oral presentation requirements with either ECON-403W or MGT-403W (depending on concentration). Qualified students may substitute BE-491 and 492W for the capstone requirement.

    Requirements for Accounting Minor

    A minor in accounting consists of 20 credits: ACCT-140; 240, 241, 242; and FIN-270.

    Accounting Careers

    Students interested in careers in accounting are encouraged to complete the Accounting minor. Many Ursinus graduates work in the field of accounting after graduation, but state boards of accountancy mandate 150 credit hours of coursework before candidates may sit for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. Students must therefore take additional courses after graduation to become a CPA. Students should also be aware that there are other accounting certifications and career paths separate from the CPA, such as the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation.

    Requirements for Economics Minor

    A minor in economics consists of 20 credits, including eight credits from two required courses: ECON-101, 102; and three ECON electives at the 200-level or higher. Note: 200-level courses may have additional pre-requisites besides ECON-101 and 102. As pertaining to the normal limitations on major/minor overlap, Business Economics and Finance majors may only count two courses of their major requirements toward the minor.

    Requirements for Finance Minor

    A minor in Finance consists of 20 credits including 12 credits from three required courses: ACCT-140; ECON-102, FIN-270, and eight credits from two electives chosen from the following list: ECON-362; FIN-370, 372, 374. Elective courses may have additional prerequisites besides ACCT-140 and FIN-270. As pertaining to the normal limitations on major/minor overlap, Economics and Business Economics majors may only count two courses of their major requirements toward the minor.

    Finance Scholars

    This program is offered to selected students with a strong career interest in finance and investments with the potential goal of earning the Chartered Financial Analyst (“CFA”) designation. The program involves a range of relevant co-curricular activities (FIN-301, 302, 401, and 402) that prepare students to take the CFA examination. Eligible students must major in Finance or Economics or minor in Finance. Students must apply to the Department Chair or the chair’s designee for acceptance to the program at the end of their sophomore year.


    The Ursinus College Investment Management Company (UCIMCO) is the college’s student-managed investment fund. The fund manages several portfolios, exposing students to different management styles and group collaboration. There are no prerequisites to taking part in the fund. Students from any class year or major are encouraged to join. For students interested in investment or financial careers, the fund provides invaluable experience in research and portfolio management. To take part in UCIMCO, students should enroll in a section of FIN-001. 

    Requirements for Management Studies Minor

    A minor in Management Studies requires that students take 24 semester hours in courses across several disciplines. All Management Studies minors are required to take ACCT-140 and MGT-200. In addition students are required to select one course focused on ethics from PHIL-240 or 246, MCS-315, HEP-275, EDUC-380, MGT-201 and 300 (Leadership Ethics) and three elective courses (12 credits) chosen from the following list and representing three different disciplines and at least two different departments or programs: Business and Economics (ACCT-240, 241; or ECON-120, 210, 231, 361; or MKT-250; or MGT-300, 330); Data Analytics (DATA-201); Entrepreneurial Studies (ENTR-101 and -102, 120); Health Sciences (HS-223, 226, 245, 365, or 446); Interdivisional Studies (IDS-110 depending on topic); Media and Communications Studies (MCS-307, 315, 342, 350, or 375B); Psychology (PSYC-250 or 350); Sociology (SOC-255 or 260 depending on topic). (LINQ)

    Note: Following normal overlap limitation guidelines, majors in Economics and Finance are permitted to minor in Management Studies, however due to major/minor overlap Business Economics majors may not pursue the Management Studies Minor. See the appropriate departmental listings for course descriptions.

    Secondary School Teaching Certification

    This program satisfies the Pennsylvania State requirements for secondary certification in social studies. Substantial further coursework outside of economics and education is required in order to prepare the student for subjects taught in the secondary curriculum. Students who wish to obtain teaching certification should consult their departmental adviser and the chair of the department of education as early as possible, preferably at the end of the freshman year.

    S/U Guidance

    Courses taken as S/U cannot not be counted towards any major or minor in the Business and Economics Department.