
Students can tailor their research experiences to match the time that they have available and to their interests.  Many students have the opportunity to have their results be part of peer-reviewed publications or to present at local, regional, national conferences.

BCMB research is performed as a close collaboration between Biology or Chemistry faculty members and the student. Most students work with a single faculty member for one or often multiple semesters, although a number of students also have research experiences with more than one faculty member. During the academic year, students often start at the one-credit (three hours per week) or two-credit (six hours per week) for one (or multiple) semesters. Many students culminate their experience in one or more four-credit (12-14 hours per week) semesters, which in some cases may lead to Departmental Honors. On-campus research may also be performed during the summer as part of the Summer Fellows program, or for a few, in-coming students, as part of the FUTURE program.  

Besides learning laboratory skills and how to work independently, students will learn how to discuss their research results in group meetings, on-campus or off-campus poster or oral presentations, and written papers.

Current Projects

Although most student projects fall within a single research group, some students use resources from several groups in their work. Some research groups work on collaborative projects that investigate both the biological and chemical aspects of a problem. To learn about current projects, go to the Biology or Chemistry research pages.

Research Presentations

Every year a number of students and faculty members attend and present at a number of local, regional, and national research meetings. Meetings in which students often present include Intercollegiate Student Chemists Convention (ISC), St. Joseph’s Sigma Xi Research Symposium, Mid-Atlantic Pharmacology Society, Philadelphia Section of the American Chemical Society Student Poster Session, Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological and Chemical Sciences at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Biophysical Society National Meeting, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology National Meeting, among others.