Art and Art History Requirements

  • Studio Art and Art History offerings focus on the preparation of students in the creation of art, the critical study of Art History and the appreciation of visual culture as an integral part of their liberal arts experience. Coursework covers the broad cultural and intellectual context of human civilization from a visual and historical perspective, and provides an important framework for advanced study in making and interpreting art and the environment. The curriculum integrates art historical foundations with the hands-on creation of art, moving from general survey and introductory courses to advanced studio work, historical studies, and museum practices. The rich resources of the Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art and the Philadelphia region will be integral to the learning process. The art and art history major and minors in Studio Art and Art History provide students with an understanding of the human experience through visual and aesthetic means and prepare them for further study in the post-graduate arena and professional internship opportunities, and can serve as a springboard for other professions in the arts and beyond.

    Studio Art classes are numbered 101-149; 200-249; 300-349, 401, 402, 455. Art History classes are numbered 150-199; 250- 299; 350-380; 390, 391, 450W. Internships (381,382) and departmental honors (491,492) are used for both Studio Art and Art History. An art materials fee is required for some studio art courses as indicated in the catalogue.

    Requirements for Majors

    A major in Art and Art History consists of 40 credits in Studio Art and Art History. Students may concentrate in either Studio Art or Art History. Students pursuing the Art History concentration fulfill the capstone, writing and oral presentation requirements by taking ART-450W, or ART-491 and 492. Students pursuing the studio art concentration can fulfill their writing requirement by completing ART-291W and their capstone and oral presentation requirements by taking ART-455, or Art-491 and 492.

    Requirements for Studio Art Concentration:

    1. ART-101

    2. ART-150 or 160;

    3. ART-291W;

    4. ART-310;

    5. Five electives selected from Art courses, including a minimum of one art history course at the 200 level or higher (ART-371 or ART-372 are strongly recommended) and a minimum of two courses (studio or art history) at the 200-, 300- or 400-level excluding internships ART-381 and 382; one of the studio art courses must be in a lens-based medium (ART-104, 107, 209, or equivalent in Special Topics); one must be in a two-dimensional medium (ART-102, 105, 120 or equivalent in Special Topics); one must be in a three-dimensional medium (ART-106 or equivalent in Special Topics). ART-210 and 310 do not count toward these three medium-specific distribution requirements among the electives.

    6. One capstone course (ART-455, 491 and 492 for honors)

    Requirements for Art History Concentration

    1. Two studio art courses: ART-101 and one of the following: ART-102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 209;

    2. ART-150 and 160;

    3. ART- 291W;

    4. Four electives selected from Art History courses. One elective must be an art history course at the 200 level or higher in art before 1800. Another elective must be an art history course at the 200 level or higher in art after 1800. A minimum of two art history courses must be at the 300 or 400 level excluding internships ART-381 and 382; MS-100 may count as an Art History elective (100-level);

    5. One capstone course (ART- 450W, or 491 and 492 for honors).

    Requirements for Minors

    A minor concentration in Studio Art consists of 20 credits in art, excluding internships. Four courses in Studio Art (ART-101-107; 120; 130; 201-209; 210, 220, 300 or 400 level studio art classes) and one course in Art History are required. ART-101 and either ART-100 or 291W are strongly recommended.

    A minor concentration in Art History consists of 20 credits. Art-150, 160 and one course in art history at the 300 or 400 level, excluding internships, are required. One course in Studio Art is also required. MS-100 may count as an elective for the minor (100-level).