Applied Ethics Requirements

  • Applied Ethics is an interdisciplinary minor that explores ethical issues in medicine, business, politics, law, the environment, and other areas. Courses in the minor seek to develop the student’s ability to think critically about moral considerations in various contexts. Courses are drawn from the departments of philosophy, politics, environment and sustainability, business and economics, and sociology. The minor is a valuable supplement to a variety of undergraduate majors.

    Requirements for Minors

    A minor in applied ethics consists of 20 credits.

    Applied ethics minors must take PHIL-240. It is strongly recommended that this course be among the first courses taken for the minor.

    The remaining credits must come from the following: ECON-110; EDUC-380; ENVS/PHIL-248; ENVS/SOC-220; ENVS/SOC-288, PHIL-106, PHIL-240, PHIL-243, PHIL-246, PHIL-247, PHIL-249, PHIL-344; PHIL/POL-237, PHIL/POL-337, PHIL/POL-338, PHIL/POL-339; POL-328, POL-330, POL-357.

    HIST courses, PHIL-309 and/or POL-399 may also count toward the minor when the topic is appropriate and with prior approval from the applied ethics minor coordinator.

    For philosophy or politics majors wishing to minor in applied ethics, at least 12 of the 20 credits for the minor must be in addition to credits already counting toward the major.