Anthropology and Sociology

Whether by immersing ourselves in another culture, or by turning a critical eye on our own, anthropologists and sociologists seek to denaturalize the social forces that shape our individual lives. 

students walking spring 2023

In-depth study in a particular discipline is a key component of a liberal education. The mission of our department is to provide students with an opportunity for in-depth study in the disciplines of anthropology and sociology. Drawing on the American Sociological Association’s most recent report on liberal learning, we define in-depth study as “a process of intellectual development where students become increasingly independent participants in the discourse of the sociological [and anthropological] communit[ies].” In keeping with this definition, we aim to produce graduates who are capable not just of learning existing knowledge but of producing new knowledge, too.

Anthropology and Sociology News

History Beneath Our Feet: Untold Stories Discovered at The Speaker’s House

Visiting Instructor of Anthropology Katharine Davis and a group of students have spent the summer working on an archaeological dig project The Speaker’s House located right up the road from Ursinus College in Trappe

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Bomberger Hall, 2nd Floor