The minor in Animal Behavior lies at the intersection of biology, psychology, and neuroscience. Students will also be exposed to research methods commonly used in the field. The minor invites students to explore questions closely linked to the Ursinus Quest, such as:
• how should we live with other animals as members of the interrelated living world?
• how can we understand interactions between animals and between animals and their environments?
• how can we understand the best (altruism) and worst (aggression) of human behavior?
• what will I do to become a respectful co-habitant of planet Earth?
Why minor in Animal Behavior at Ursinus?
Interested students will be able to readily demonstrate a commitment to this subject area on their transcript and diploma, which could increase their chances of acceptance to graduate and veterinary schools, and employment at wildlife and conservation organizations, zoos, aquariums and similar institutions.
Moreover, the minor in Animal Behavior would provide an additional avenue for students to satisfy the Linked Inquiry requirement, which is a central part of the Quest Curriculum at Ursinus College.