American Studies Courses

  • AMST-200. Issues in American Studies

    This course will introduce students to American Studies by engaging them in an interdisciplinary examination of a broad theme or question about American society and culture. Topics will vary with the instructor(s), but will always be broad and issues and readings will be drawn from different disciplines. An example might be an interdisciplinary examination of the history of Philadelphia as a microcosm of the American experience, or an interdisciplinary examination of race and ethnicity in American society. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.

    AMST-381. Internship

    An academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. Discuss details with the American Studies Coordinator.  Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 120 hours of work. Prerequisites: 12 credits in the major and permission of the internship adviser. Three semester hours. (XLP.)

    AMST-382. Internship

    An academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. Discuss details with the American Studies Coordinator.  Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 160 hours of work. Prerequisites: 12 credits in the major and permission of the internship adviser. Four semester hours. (XLP.)

    AMST-391. Independent Study

    Independent study under the supervision of an American Studies Department adviser. Topic and readings will be decided by the student and the adviser. Substantial reading and writing is required. Prerequisites: 12 credits in the major; and permission of the department adviser. Four semester hours. (XLP.)

    AMST-400W. Independent Research 

    Independent Research, under the guidance of an American Studies Department adviser, directed toward the production and oral presentation of a research project or paper. Prerequisite: 12 credits in the major and permission of the faculty adviser. Four semester hours.

    AMST-491W. Research/Independent Work

    This course is open to candidates for honors upon consultation with the American Studies Coordinator and with permission of an American Studies faculty adviser. Four semester hours. (XLP.)

    AMST-492W. Research/Independent Work

    A continuation of AMST-491W. Prerequisite: AMST-491W. Four semester hours. (XLP.)